“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your
works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works,
I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.
They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.”
~ Psalms 145:3-7 ~
Our goal is for students to recognize, know and fervently follow Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord. We strive to equip our students by preaching the Bible, teaching them how to personally study the Word, and building Christ centered relationships in order to send them out as image bearers of Jesus, boldly proclaim the Gospel in the mission field to which they are called. Our heart is to come alongside families, partnering with them in accomplishing the role God gave them.
We invite all students, Grades 6-12 to be a part of our LVBC Student community!
LVBC Students meets regularly on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Contact Brice Green for more info on our Student Ministry!
SUNDAY @ 9:30 AM
Location: Student Building
On Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM, our students gather together in the student building for Sunday school, where classes are divided by grade level. We also have gender specific discipleship groups (d-groups) consisting of 2-4 students and an adult leader. Our goal for these groups is to help disciple students by: doing life together, cultivating accountability relationships, scripture memorization, and helping them learn how to study the Word. These groups have been very instrumental in the lives of our students. It is our belief that d-groups are a vital component in coming alongside parents as the seek to disciple their children. Every student, grades 7-12, has the opportunity to choose to be part of a d-group or regular Sunday School class.
Location: The Upper Room
Doors open at 6:00 PM in the recreation area and our student service takes place at 6:30 PM. During this time, students worship through song led by our LVBC Students worship band and hear sound teaching from the Bible. This is a great time of corporate worship, growing deeper in relationship with Christ, and a time of student community.
Students are invited to hang out in the recreation area of our youth space before and after the service. Basketball, four-square, and dodge ball are frequently enjoyed after the service, along with our homegrown favorites, King Pong and Wolleyball!

From A Student:
“Since going to Wednesday night services, I’ve learned that power is in prayer and prayer isn’t just a close your eyes time, it’s a conversation between you and God. At one dark time in my life that I opened up about, I was greeted with guidance and how prayer could get me through it.”
From A Student:
“D-group was a consistent time of fellowship with other believers that
I knew were helping me grow in my faith. D-group taught me how to
study the Bible and the importance
of sharing your thoughts on
scripture with other believers.”